Between Good and Evil

On Friday, September 14 U. S. President George W. Bush announced that the United States has requested the world to a new mission "to save the world of evil," and on next Sunday, he said the government was determined to "cleanse the world from this evil." We are now free of the earth have a responsibility to save the world of crime. We can no longer to have an "evil empire" to defeat, but we found the most evil of evil, which require long-term and large-scale war of justice.

So what is evil, and evil of the terrorist attacks. I agree with this opinion. It should be emphasized. At the same time, but I think we need to examine carefully. When Bush says he hopes to save the world of evil, and wake-up call into mind, this is because Hitler and Stalin also wanted to do.

Do not defend one of the evil, but said that they do. What is the problem of integration of the Jews "final settlement"? Soil can clean the Aryan race, but the elimination of the Jews that their impurity contaminated wounds. Stalin in Russia, which eliminate the need for a farmer to be able to create their own ideal of collective farming community. Anyone who tries to improve this world, to remove impurities. The world has made good only by destroying evil elements.

Surprising, then, is one of the main causes of evil in this world, which aims to eliminate the evil man.

Washington Post on Friday quoted Joshua Teitelbaum of the scientists, who study more contemporary crime, both men: "Osama bin Laden will appear in the world is very clear terms and conditions of the black and white. For that, the United States on behalf of the power of evil , corruption and the rule of Islam worldwide. "

What is the difference between the views of Osama bin Laden and Bush? It is a mirror opposite. Osama bin Laden to Hassan - Islamic holy war against imperialism and atheist - Bush's crimes. Bush believes that we - in the United States to defend their freedom - as the evil, Osama bin Laden. They are two different versions of the same holy war between good and evil.

Do not get me wrong. I do not have the moral equality, and not in any way trying to justify the terrible incident last Tuesday. From the perspective of Buddhism, but there is some serious confusion between the two sides and views of women. We must understand that black and white way of thinking, not only to deceive Islamic terrorist, and we, therefore, to more suffering in the world.

This bilateral good and evil because it is interesting to see how simple the world. Most of us full information. Although not the only religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - and this is very important to them. This is one of the causes of conflict between them is very difficult to complete the peace: often faithful to their religion and the good and the other from the demons.

It is very difficult when the other cheek, we believe that the world through glasses that rationalization of the opposite principle: an eye for an eye. If the world is a battleground between the forces of good and evil, and evil in the world and must be opposed by any means necessary.

Modern Western religion, and this trend has not been eliminated. In some cases, it is a strength, because we can not rely on the decision unseen. We must rely on itself to achieve the final victory of good over evil - as Hitler and Stalin tried to do so. It was not clear how to help bin Laden and Bush looks forward to God.

why are we should not be evil?

today we are seeing many tragic things those are causes by people's bad behavior. so that, we must be a good person. so that, do not be evil, please?